Thursday, November 1, 2007

Assignment #7

1. I enjoyed most of the poetry section, except Hiakus. The poetry left explore certian topics without being too fully engulfed by it. I also like our short stories especially the one with the picture. It was cool to look at a picture and come up with the whole story behind it. It really made me think in a different way than I'm used to.
2. My best piece of writing for this quater was my poem about the "skinny black boy" in my Memories Poem. This poem was very visual and the reader could see it unfold before their very eyes. I have really written any thing like it before. It was inspired by my own experiance and those of my friends.
3. I've found out that I do like some structure, like directions on what to do or have included in they store, but not too much. Without some direction I do feel a little lost and don't where to start. On the other hand if the instruction are to long or to in depth I think it limits what I can write about. I think the picture story is a perfect exmaple of this. We had to include the picture in our story but it could still be about anything you wanted. I like that.
4. I really not like plays or screenplays. I wish we could have another story similar the picture story but if it has to be something new I think I would like memoirs of famous people.

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